XLDA Dataset File 
Brief Description (Detailed Descriptions are in each XLDA Pro file)
New Datasets
   Homespread Restaurant New dataset integrated in Marketing Research, 10th edition, by Burns & Veeck (Pearson) also used in XLDA Manual Pro and website screen shots
  Nouvelle Updated dataset (from L'Experience Restaurant) used in Marketing Research, 10th edition, by Burns & Veeck (Pearson)
Old Datasets
  Advanced Automobile Concepts (AA Concepts) Dataset for Basic Marketing Research textbook integrated case study.
  Advanced Automobile Concepts Recoded (AAConcepts.Recoded)
AAConcepts.Recoded is the AAConcepts dataset with certain demographic variables recoded using
the midpoints of the ranges of their values.  The variables are: town size, age, income, and 
education. Use of midpoint coding such of this is useful when the analyst desires to use 
procedures that require metric data such as correlation or regression. 
  Friendly Market Dataset for Basic Marketing Research textbook case 14.1 - mom-&-pop convenience store using friendly service to survive
  L'Experience Restaurant Dataset for Marketing Research, 9th edition, textbook case study - survey for a new restaurant concept
  Financial Well Being Survey Data from a survey conducted for the Consumer Protecton Bureau on Americans' financial readiness
  Medical Conditions Survey Centers for Disease Control annual survey on medical conditions merged with demographics
  Pew Social Issues Survey Public opinion survey dataset - one of Pew Research Center's trends panel surveys
  San Francisco (SFO) Airport Survey Dataset for 2018 survey of SFO users evaluations of facilities, usage, etc.
  COVID-19 Survey Dataset for 4-2020 Pew Research on US citizens attitudes, opinions, and behavior with respect to COVID-19
  Mobile Technology and Home Broadband                                                              Dataset for survey on use of cell phones, smart phones, broadband internet, social media, etc.
Why Americans Don't Vote 2020 survey dataset identifying voter types (Rarely/Never, Sporatic, Always) with questions on beliefs, trust in officials, personal impact, etc.
GSS(General Social Survey) Huge dataset from a 2018 U.S. survey on a myriad of social issues, beliefs, opinions, and behaviors that is conducted every 2 years in affiliation with NORC at the University of Chicago
  All XLDA Pro 3.0 Dataset Files