Known Issues

Explore graphs

When processing several variables with graphs, Explore on rare occasions encounters a fatal error.  Explore with graphs produces 3 graphs per variable, so if there are already numerous graphs on the user’s worksheets and/or other programs running, users with low Windows memory may experience this issue. Restarting XLDA Pro, restarting Excel, or using fewer variables with Explore usually resolves this issue


Import data

Users with many graphs on their worksheets, running other programs simultaneously, and/or with low computer memory may experience a crash with Import Data.  Restarting XLDA Pro, restarting Excel, removing worksheets with many graphs, or closing other programs usually resolves this issue



Users with many graphs on their worksheets, running other programs simultaneously, and/or with low computer memory may experience a crash with Clean-Up. Restarting XLDA Pro, restarting Excel, removing worksheets with many graphs, or closing other programs usually resolves this issue